Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Yesterday we did our usual warm up, there and back around the gym. After that we got to do anything related to climbing, like projecting, sessioning, ad-on, stick game, or campassing for 45 minutes until it was time to run drills. Jon came to practice yesterday and he was put into the same group as me, the youth-c and up group. we ran this thing that was kind of like stick game, but it was the same route for everybody. Then we did campass routes two on the 5' wall, and two on the 55' degree wall then we moved then we did 5 lock-offs for 5 seconds with a 5 minute rest between the routes. My routes were two v2+'s, two v3-'s, and a v4+. after the lock-offs, we moved over to the pull up bar and did Chinese pull ups down from seven. Chinese pull ups are where you do 7 pull ups, 6 pull ups, 5 pull ups, etc. etc. etc. me and tony then did arches, and you do them by doing a pull-up then pushing one arm out, then the other arm out. then it was time for abs.
After abs were finished, we were done with practice. I went over to my project, this sick orange route that at least 20 times earlier that day. There was only five moves, but it was at least v6. I kept on falling off of the last move, holding on to the worst hold i've ever felt. Tyson talked to me about taking a deep breath of air, then holding it till I grabed the next hold. that was how I got that orange route.

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