Sunday, October 18, 2009


Today at noon, dad took Jon, Baptiste, Sarah, and I to the Seattle vertical world. In there we met 2 other family's, the Bagnoli's and the Robertson's Once we got in there, it must have taken me at least 20 minutes to get shoes and chalk bag on, and then warm up.

Today I only did bouldering, which was cool because there was at least 10 new routes that I could try. Unfortunately, I only got 5 of them. The rest of the boulder problems would have taken me a year to get close to doing it, except this navy blue route I like to call ''sloper mania.'' I kept high balling off of the top, and part of the reason it was scary is because when your short, you have to worry about not smashing on to the slab wall after you jump the 4 foot finish. Another route of the day that I got was this other v6 that took me another 100 tries before I even got close to the sloper point (I finished the route after I got there, but it took so long to get there) where if all goes well, like your foot doesn't slip or you do anything like that, you can finish the route. We stayed there for like 5 hours before we wrapped up.

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