Friday, February 19, 2010

Hey, it's me again, Drew. I haven't been doing my blog for a little while, because of the little situation for nationals. We had to be in ISO at about 7:00, which, take away three hours for west coast time, 4:00 in the morning. But that's when you HAVE to get into ISO, not to wake up. dad said wake up 5:30 east coast time (think somewhere around 2:30 in the morning). Like i said before, I haven't been doing my blog because i was getting my body used to east coast time. I went to bed at 6:00, woke up at 3:30. even today as I write this, at 5:30 in the morning, it's because my body is used to east coast time. anyway, about nationals.I was the 5th person out, because the let the people go out who got higher scores on previous comps. I on- sighted the the first two routes, which where probably v1, and v3-. The next route i got second try. It was techy, with a looooooooooooooong move from the last hold to the finish. My foot slipped when I was going to the finish. I fell off and got back on and finished the route. the last route, i did not get. I got to the 2nd hold, and trying to do a huge move to a kind of bad\good hold. I'd grab it for a split second, then fall off.I thought I wouldn't make it into finals, but my luck held out. Surprisingly, I actually made it into finals, even though I was dead last. I was the first one out at nationals, and i HIKED all of them, all on-sight. I later learned that the routes grades (in order from first route to last route) were v2, v3, v6-, and v5+. Anyway i turned out first, one of my most all time, biggest accomplishment.

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