Sunday, December 6, 2009


3 days ago, for our warm up, everybody did a full gym traverse. Adam said that we had to do every single circuit that we could do, and I got stuck with the green circuit (v2- through v3+) . Me and Baptiste made a super awesome route that we called v7-, because you got so pumped, and some of the moves took me a lot of tries. After we projected for an hour or so, Adam said we had to do 3 one footed routes. After that, we had to go do abs (a.k.a. core) for about 15 minutes. Baptiste led abs, and I had problems getting off the ground because he led abs so hard. I stayed for about 15 more minutes, but i had to leave,

1 comment:

  1. I read all your posts, but my comments never get posted. Am not sure why. Hope school is going good for you. I know you'll have a great time with your cousins. Wish we were there too. Hopefully next year. Love, Gramma
