Thursday, October 22, 2009

THURSday session

Today we went there and back around the gym for our warm up. After that, we got to boulder more on the new wall right by the hang and campass board for 1 hour. Then we ran drills. For our first drill, we did 4 routes on top rope. I did two 5:11+'s, and two 5: 11-'s. For our second drill, we were hanging on with one or two hands for twenty seconds, then we would rest, then do it again. For our last drill, we did 5 ten move 5 second lock-offs. then we did typewriters, pull- ups, and leg lifts on the wall. After that, Alissa brought in pumpkin and cream cheese cup cakes, 2 for everybody on team.

1 comment:

  1. How long are your workout sessions? Bet those cupcakes were good!
